Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

By using our website, you have automatically accepted our terms of use. Please read the terms below before you continue to use this website. If you do not agree to any of the terms, please exit the website immediately.

Terms of Use

When you use any feature of the website, be it booking a tour or making comment, you are required to be registered. By using the website, you undertake to provide authentic personal information. If you provide fake information or try to pretend to be someone that you are not, then you have violated the terms of use of this website.

When you use any feature of the website, you agree not to use offensive language or present incorrect information, or try to incite others. You agree also not to post or write anything that is regarded as pornographic.

You have to agree not to market other products on this website.

All materials displayed or features provided on this Website including but not limited to our proprietary price matrix algorithm, travel journal feature, text, data, graphics, articles, photographs, images, illustrations, video, audio and other materials (“Content”) are owned by iOpenhub Inc, and shall not be copied.

If you do anything that you have agreed not to do under the terms here, you will be banned from the website. Any payment or credits, or points that you have made or accumulated will be forfeited without compensation. This includes any deposit that you have made for taking part in a tour.

Privacy Policy

If you book a tour through our website, or want to add a comment or ask a question on the website, you will be required to provide some personal information, including name and email address. You may also choose to let us have your social media account information.

We will only use the data supplied for the purposes that are related to your booking. We will not monetize your account information or supply them to any third party.

Your user name and avatar will be made available to those who are joining the tour that you have joined, and if you have made your social media account name available in your profile, these people will be able to see that too.

We will remove an account, including all personal data contained therein, when an account is closed or when it has not been active for at least five years.